Maison d'hotes La Chouannerie - Fantine
The Fantine room is a spacious guest room that can accommodate a family of 4.
from 95.00€1 room 1 night 2 people breakfast (bed and breakfast)
The Fantine room is a spacious guest room that can accommodate a family of 4.
Enjoy 5 bedrooms :1 family room for 4, 1 for 3, 1 with 2 beds, 1 for 2, Bathrooms, Toilets, baby bed.
Au calme et en bordure de rivière proche du Mans (13km) à 4 km de la sortie de l'A28 (Le Mans centre - Tours) Nous vous accueiller
Get in touch with nature in this house with its rural origins, ideally located on the back-coast 1 minute from the D948 - Challans
Suite Bonnamy, located on the 2nd floor of the main wing of the château.