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Boucle equestre de Mezeray

The equestrian loop will take you through the hills and valleys of this countryside, which has been deliberately preserved from land consolidation.

Contact: Boucle equestre de Mezeray

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Presentation of: Boucle equestre de Mezeray

Hedges planted with hundred-year-old oaks line the paths, providing light shade that can also be enjoyed under the cover of deciduous woods and pine forests. From Touche Boeuf to Les Grés, the sands are ideal for the pine and chestnut trees of the Courcelles forest to the south.

The woods of Laugonnay to the north, from Bel Air to Les Hêtres, grow on clay soils that were used to dig the Mésangères moat.

Between les Huaudières and les Druyais via l'Esnauderie, the route includes some long runs, during which not a soul is to be seen.

Towards Touche Boeuf, in the calm of a refuge, a stop is enough to hear birds.

It's also a pleasure to smell the resins, flowers and humus.

You can download the route road book from the Comité Départemental Equestre de la Sarthe website.
Departure town
Arrival town
36 Km
Means of transport
Equestrian, difficulty level: Easy, duration: 6h
en montée 241m
en descente 239m
Colour of tag

Other: Autour du cheval