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L'ecole du cheval

Discovering and teaching horse riding, trail riding, acrobatics...

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Contact: L'ecole du cheval

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Presentation of: L'ecole du cheval

The horse school offers riding, teaching, pony trekking for small children, camps, training courses, competitions, acrobatics - Gallop examinations
Pony or horse rides all year round (accompanied horse rides)
Archery on pony or horse.
Equestrian art, art of living to practice a beautiful equitation of well-being and respect for the horse. Relaxation on horseback.

From 11 July to 10 August: Pony trail from 10am to 11am. (except 20/07)
Opening times
Open all year round
Type of facilities
Equestrian centre
Access map, location
Motorway: 10 Km
Puy du Fou: 64 Km
Marais Poitevin: 15 Km
Further information
Groups accepted

Other: Autour du cheval