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Location de velos au camping de Marcon

Embark on the discovery of the Loir Valley, including vineyards, the banks of the Loir, and the Bercé forest, departing from Marçon

Address :
Camping du Lac des Varennes
72340 MARCON

Contact: Location de velos au camping de Marcon

For further information, please contact the service provider directly by completing the form below

Further information to help you get around
Date of stay
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Presentation of: Location de velos au camping de Marcon

Opening times
from 01/04/2025 to 31/10/2025
Benefit category
Equipment hire
Sports activities on offer
Basic price adult from 11.00€ to 15.00€ (VTC : 11€ 1/2 journée, 15€ journée)
Children's price from 9.00€ to 10.00€ (VTC : 9€ 1/2 journée, 11€ journée)
Basic price adult from 16.00€ to 28.00€ (Vélo électrique : 16€ 1/2 journée, 28€ journée)
Price for large families from 37.00€ to 44.00€ (forfait famille (4 vélos adultes ou enfants) : 37€ 1/2 journée, 44€ journée)
Payment methods
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders
Holiday vouchers
Spoken language
Ot val du Loir

Other: Autour du vélo

Dionysos Bike


With his electric moutain bikes or electric scooters, Yohann with lead you along the Alpes Mancelles for a couple of hours, half a