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Salle de l'Escapade

The Escapade, more than a room, a unique place that welcomes you in a rare environmental setting, 10 minutes from Laval (Mayenne).

Address : 4, route de Louvigné

Contact: Salle de l'Escapade

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Presentation of: Salle de l'Escapade

The 372 m² room can accommodate up to 500 seats and has an indoor bar of 50 m² open on an outdoor terrace, a fully equipped catering office of 40 m², a stage of 90 m². two boxes. Outside, a 1000 m² enclosed courtyard, including 100 m² of covered courtyard, and an open esplanade overlooking the lake and the river La Jouanne are at your disposal. Free access: sound system, suspended video projector and 5m screen, complete concealment possible, free WIFI, fiber optic internet, Orange TV. Optional: sound and light system with professional director. Low energy building fully accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Type of facilities
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme

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