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Horticulteur, Vendee Fleurs

Producer of fresh flowers grown outdoors from February to November. Peony Festival in May

Address : 4, Les Gargouillasses

Contact: Horticulteur, Vendee Fleurs

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Presentation of: Horticulteur, Vendee Fleurs

Vendée Fleurs, cut flower grower at Gué de Velluire, near Fontenay le Comte (Vendée, 85) in southern Vendée near La Rochelle (Charente Maritime, 17) and Niort (Deux Sèvres, 79).

Group visits are available on request and at an additional cost.

Individuals are welcome in the 2 boutiques, Brin de Paille and Fleur d'O in Fontenay le Comte, where we offer flowers, plants and floral arrangements for weddings and other events, as well as corporate floral arrangements. For professionals, flowers are shipped all over France to wholesalers, bookshops and specialist shops.
Business sector
Type of product
Plants and flowers
Payment methods
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders
Access to the free site
Guided tours on request (groupes): Yes
Average duration of visit (groupes) : @duration of visit
Visit languages
Visit: French
Access map, location
Road (national / local): 5 Km
Motorway: 15 Km
Spoken language
Further information
Groups accepted from 20 to 50 persons
Pets not allowed
Winery sales

Other: Découvertes de savoir-faire