"Laines de mon jardin" is located in Martinet in the Vendée. Handcrafted, eco-friendly processing of fleeces (alpacas, sheep and Angora goats) and unique creations in pure virgin wool and natural colours.
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Presentation of: LAINES DE MON JARDIN
Passionate about natural fibres, Myriam Noirot transforms the fleeces of her alpacas, sheep and Angora goats, reared organically with respect for animal life, in an environmentally-friendly, traditional way.
She carries out the various stages of processing herself and sends her fleeces to a spinning mill in France, so you can be sure of the traceability of her products. She obtains colours from dye plants, and the dyes are produced in her workshop.
Myriam creates unique items in pure virgin wool in natural or dyed colours that will stay with you for the rest of your life...
From the animal to the finished product, everything is natural and local!
Would you like to learn about wool from A to Z? Myriam organises courses on the transformation of wool, from animal to yarn, and on vegetable dyeing.
Opening times
Open all year round
Business sector
Handcraft art
Type of product
Individual price - no discount from 8.50€ to 200.00€ (Echeveaux de 100 gr)
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Access to the free site
Guided tours on request (groupes): Yes
Average duration of visit (groupes) : @duration of visit