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Une fantaisie... Je craque

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Contact: Une fantaisie... Je craque

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Presentation of: Une fantaisie... Je craque

What sets Valérie apart is her creative energy, which she expresses through her jewellery and paintings.

A jewellery designer (bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, bag jewellery, key rings and various accessories), Valérie draws her inspiration from her childhood. Even as a child, she was fascinated by the world of minerals and crystals.

She knows how to listen to your desires and create the jewellery you've imagined or dreamed of!

Nothing could persuade her to leave the marshland she has always called home, but she admits to an unconditional love of the sea. She devotes some of her paintings to it, working with acrylics and oils. Valérie paints with a knife and splater brush, mainly figurative subjects that evolve towards the abstract.

She is of course present at local artists' markets, but you can also find her and her creations on her website, Facebook page and Instagram account.
Opening times
Open all year round
Business sector
Handcraft art
Type of product

Other: Découvertes de savoir-faire



In 2023, I set up a certified organic nursery on a human scale, specialising in aromatic and medicinal plants and local wild flora