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Tir a l'arc Wakatipi

Address :
La Brunetiere
72500 VAAS

Contact: Tir a l'arc Wakatipi

For further information, please contact the service provider directly by completing the form below

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Date of stay
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The information that you send us is for the sole use of the regional public company of Pays de la Loire: we promise not to share it with any third parties.

Presentation of: Tir a l'arc Wakatipi

Opening times
Open all year round
Benefit category
Free practice
Sports activities on offer
Access map, location
SNCF train station: 5 Km
Motorway: 5 Km
Sarthe Tourisme / Pascal Beltrami
Sarthe Tourisme / Pascal Beltrami
Sarthe Tourisme / Pascal Beltrami
Sarthe Tourisme / Pascal Beltrami
Sarthe Tourisme / Pascal Beltrami
Sarthe Tourisme / Pascal Beltrami
Sarthe Tourisme / Pascal Beltrami

Other: Loisirs pour jeunes