Aire face a la base de canoe
Situated close to the canoe base and the Marais Poitevin.
Accessible for wheelchair users, walks, tourist sites to visit.
Situated close to the canoe base and the Marais Poitevin.
Accessible for wheelchair users, walks, tourist sites to visit.
Affûts photos à la Ferme de Dixmerie: A unique experience in the heart of the Marais poitevin
This area is located at the entrance to the village, next to the wash-house and the Lutinière stream.
Services: footpath.
Documents, books, CDs, magazines and two computers with free Internet access are waiting for you.
A 29° seawater swimming pool with wellness and fitness areas!
It offers :
Box in free access 24h/24 to deposit or take books freely,
Around the lake, picnic tables, games, bike cross-country course, city stadium.
Pond for fishing.
Get your fill of escape and laughter at La Boîte à CL-é!