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Sentier pedestre Les Falaises

Les Falaises" trail Chaillé-les-Marais 5.8km

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Contact: Sentier pedestre Les Falaises

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Presentation of: Sentier pedestre Les Falaises

From east to west, discover the two faces of "Ile Cariot". On one side is the cliff once battered by the sea, and on the other a gentle slope where the old port of Chaillé once stood. On this walk, you'll discover the dry stone walls, the flora and fauna and an exceptional view of the dried marshland.
Type of routes/Nature of route
Promenade et Randonnée (PR) footpath
Departure town
Arrival town
5,8 Km
Means of transport
Walking, duration: 1h20min
Colour of tag
Documents to be downloaded

Other: A pied