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Presentation of: Base de loisirs Cap Sports et Nature
All year, Cape Sports and Nature offers a variety of sporting activities, accessible to all types of public and organizes or hosts sporting events. Sailing, mountain biking, Stand Up Paddle, Archery, Touch, orienteering ... Cap Sports and Nature accepts a large number of outdoor activities on the water oak Sitemap to St. Julien-de-Concelles. Shares of discovering the natural environment, heritage or territory can be implemented on demand. To ensure a professional and / or volunteer qualified coaching, the association may appeal to partners. The proposed activities are accessible to all: groups, individuals, sports activities, primary schools, secondary schools, leisure centers and families. CAP 'Nature-Loire Divatte offer appropriate access conditions for people with disabilities and relies on the qualified coaching
Opening times
Open all year round
Type of facilities
Picnic area
Leisure centre
Nautical base or club
Mountain bike centre
Leisure facilities
Disc Golf
Fishing lake
Orientation course
Price for large families from 6.00€ to 20.00€ (Activité encadrée sur une demi-journée)