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Chasse au Tresor en Realite Augmentee

Address : 6 place du Marhallé

Contact: Chasse au Tresor en Realite Augmentee

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Presentation of: Chasse au Tresor en Realite Augmentee

Augmented reality treasure hunt
New adventure game driven by GPS in between the real world and the imaginary one. In teams of 2 to 5, equipped with in a tablet and an action pack, explore Guerande city searching for clues. Solve augmented reality riddles and unblock mechanisms in order to close the Magic Portal on time.
Type of facilities
Leisure centre
Leisure facilities
Live Escape Game
Orientation course
Payment methods
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders
Holiday vouchers
Spoken language
Car park
Further information
Pets allowed
Turing Escape Game
Turing Escape Game
Turing Escape Game
Chasse au Trésor en Réalité Augmentée
Chasse au Trésor en Réalité Augmentée
Chasse au Trésor en Réalité Augmentée

Other: Autour de l'eau

Ile Moulinsart


Milling history, contemporary art, a “guingette”-style restaurant and water activities... there’s something for everyone!