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Etang de la Sabliere

A pleasant spot for a spot of fishing, 13 hectare pond

Address :
La Sablière
85770 L'ILE-D'ELLE

Contact: Etang de la Sabliere

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Presentation of: Etang de la Sabliere

Etang de la Sablière is a former sand quarry used to consolidate the ballast of the Nantes/Bordeaux railway line. It was filled with water during the 20th century.
Many birds find refuge here.

Fishing cards are available from the Tabac Presse Maingaud on the Ile d'Elle.
You can also buy your card online. You will need to print it out to present it when you are checked.
Opening times
Open all year round
Type of facilities
Fishing lake
Access map, location
Sea side: 37,4 Km
Marais Poitevin: 20,3 Km
Puy du Fou: 81,7 Km
Further information
Pets allowed

Other: Autour de l'eau



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