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Etang de peche la Gaule Chasnaisienne

Fishing pond located in the commune of Chasnais in the direction of Triaize. You'll find a pleasant, peaceful spot for a day's fishing with friends or family. Picnic tables and bins for rubbish and glasses are available.

Address : Route de Triaize

Contact: Etang de peche la Gaule Chasnaisienne

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Presentation of: Etang de peche la Gaule Chasnaisienne

As the pond is private and managed by the association La Gaule Chasnaisienne, a fishing licence is required, either for the day or for the year.

These cards are available from the Chasnais Town Hall, Super U Luçon or RIV Pêche in Luçon.

Fish are stocked every year. You can fish for roach, carp, pike, pike-perch, perch, etc. in compliance with the pond's rules and regulations.
Opening times
from 12/01/2025 to 28/11/2025
Type of facilities
Fishing lake
Basic price adult starting from 40.00€ (Pour l'année)
Children's price starting from 15.00€ (A l'année jusqu'à 12 ans)
Basic price adult starting from 6.50€ (Pour la journée)
Children's price starting from 5.50€ (Pour la journée jusqu'à 12 ans)
Basic price adult starting from 10.00€ (Jour de lâcher)
Children's price starting from 5.00€ (Jour de lâcher jusqu'à 12 ans)
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Visit languages
Billboards: French
Spoken language
Picnic area
Car park
Further information
Pets allowed (Les chiens sont acceptés mais doivent etre tenu en laisse.)

Other: Autour de l'eau

Ile Moulinsart


Milling history, contemporary art, a “guingette”-style restaurant and water activities... there’s something for everyone!