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Production of granola, vegetables, herbs and dehydrated fruit in Vendée

Address : 2, La Jolivière

Contact: FOOD'CRU

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Presentation of: FOOD'CRU

Food'cru is an artisanal business based in the north of the Vendée region, hosted by the biodiversity of the commune of Grand'landes. The 4-hectare site provides a rich and varied environment for experimentation and production.
As the seasons go by, we harvest the fruits of the earth to transform them into dehydrated products.
This process preserves the goodness of the soil and the nutritional properties of our crops.
We cultivate according to the principles of Permaculture, on a small scale, giving back to the soil as much as it gives us.
Regenerating the earth and enhancing the landscape where humans, animals and plants find a form of harmony for today and tomorrow.
We don't have a shop on site, but you can find a selection of our products at the Vie et Boulogne Tourist Office in Aizenay and in the shop at La Bourrière farm in Grand'Landes.
Business sector
Type of product
Fruits and vegetables

Other: Dégustations et produits du terroir