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La Plume au Vent

Farm sales

Address : 12 Route de Nieul-Le-Dolent
La Chevallerie

Contact: La Plume au Vent

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Presentation of: La Plume au Vent

La Plume au Vent offers whole and vacuum-packed poultry, as well as pork (sausages, sausage meat, ribs and escalopes, bacon, knuckles, tenderloins, roasts, paupiettes, Orloff-style roasts....).
The shop is open on the 1st weekend of every month: Fridays from 2pm to 6pm and Saturdays from 10am to 12pm.
Poultry only by prior arrangement (quarterly sales).
Business sector
Type of product

Other: Dégustations et produits du terroir