We grow small fruit (strawberries) and vegetables in the Vendée. Our Mangibio farm is certified AB (Agriculture Biologique) by the French Ministry of Agriculture.
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Presentation of: MANGIBIO
We put all our love of the land and our know-how into offering you a wide choice of organic vegetables that respect the cycle of the seasons. You'll always find fresh, quality produce to put on your plate.
Our produce: lettuces, onions, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, beans, melons, etc... a whole range of vegetables that we grow with passion, following the rhythm of the plant, a guarantee of quality.
- Direct sale at the farm: every Monday from 5pm to 7pm (in winter, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm)
- Markets: Thursday and Sunday mornings in Brétignolles-sur-Mer.
Opening times
from 17:00 to 19:00
Opening days: De 16h30 à 18h30 (en période hivernale)
Open all year round
Business sector
Type of product
Fruits and vegetables
Individual price - no discount starting from 3.20€ (Le kilo de tomates)
Individual price - no discount starting from 2.20€ (Le kilo de pommes de terre)
Individual price - no discount starting from 1.30€ (Salade à la pièce)
Individual price - no discount starting from 3.00€ (Le kilo de carottes)