Trésor des collines offers a range of products from the hive (honey, pollen, propolis, candles, etc.) inspired by the rich landscapes of the Vendée bocage. You can also take part in workshops where you can immerse yourself in the hives or learn about beekeeping!
For further information, please contact the service provider directly by completing the form below
Presentation of: Tresor des Collines - Les Herbiers
Discover bees and the beekeeper through 2 workshops: "Introduction to beekeeping" (dates on request) and "Immersion in the hives".
Immersion in the hives" workshop from 2.30pm to 5pm on the following dates: Mondays 30 June and 07 July, Tuesdays 1, 8, 15 and 22 July and Saturdays 17 and 24 May, 14 and 21 June and 5 July. Booking essential (07 85 49 91 48).
Shop open on Fridays from 6pm to 8pm and on call (07 85 49 91 48).
Opening times
Open all year round
Business sector
Type of product
Bee products
Individual price - no discount starting from 29.00€ (tarif à partir de 13 ans)
Children's price starting from 19.00€ (tarif de 8 à 12 ans)
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Access to the free site
Guided tours on request (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours (individuelles): Yes
Average duration of visit (individuelles) : @duration of visit
Free tasting session
Guided tours on request (groupes): Yes
Average duration of visit (groupes) : @duration of visit