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Vente a la ferme, Ferme Nouvel Elan

Packages to order only (sale dates available on request).

Address :
La Bourrelière
85320 BESSAY

Contact: Vente a la ferme, Ferme Nouvel Elan

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Bienvenue à la Ferme

Presentation of: Vente a la ferme, Ferme Nouvel Elan

Jean-François and Chantal breed Parthenaise cows, renowned for their beefy qualities. The farm has around 200 animals, calving 80 times a year.

A family-run business, the farm offers quality meat from animals fed mainly with feed produced on site. Direct sales have been offered for several years now.

Farm sales to order
Sales are by prior arrangement only. For information, Émilie, Jean-François and Chantal's daughter, is available to answer questions and organise orders. The Parthenaise breed is prized for its tender, flavoursome meat. Several formats are available.

Formats available:
- All year round: beef parcels (approx. 10 kg, contents vary).
- In April: veal parcels (approx. 7 kg, contents vary).
- In summer: grilled beef.

The farm is located 3.5 km from Mareuil-sur-Lay and 7 km from Bessay, on the road between Mareuil and Pineaux, at a place called "La Bourrelière".
Opening times
Open all year round
Business sector
Type of product
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Visit languages
Visit: French
Spoken language
Further information
Pets not allowed
Winery sales
Tout droit réservés
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Tout droit réservés
Tout droit réservés

Other: Dégustations et produits du terroir