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Ecole de pilotage ULM Mach 700

The flight school recently installed in Chateaubriant-Pouancé aerodrome will meet your expectations: Discovery flight, Initiation and flying lessons.

Address : Aérodrome des Saulneries les saulneries, aérodrome

Contact: Ecole de pilotage ULM Mach 700

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Presentation of: Ecole de pilotage ULM Mach 700

Opening times
Open all year round
Type of facilities
Ultra Light Motorized Glider
Basic price adult from 40.00€ to 120.00€ (Tarif pour un baptême de l'air en multiaxe, de 20 minutes à 1 heure)
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Visit languages
Visit: French, English
Access map, location
SNCF train station: 3 Km
Motorway: 30 Km
Airport / aerodrome: 80 Km
Spoken language
Further information
Pets not allowed
©Ecole Mach007
©Ecole Mach007

Other: Dans les airs