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Biblis en folie : Empruntez votre mediathecaire

It's almost Christmas, so come and decorate your media library!

Address : Médiathèque intercommunale Les voyageurs 2bis rue du Lay

Contact: Biblis en folie : Empruntez votre mediathecaire

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Presentation of: Biblis en folie : Empruntez votre mediathecaire

To mark the launch of the first national days dedicated to libraries and media libraries, take a look behind the scenes at your media library!
Borrow your media librarian and find out all about what happens when the doors are closed! Over a cup of coffee, enjoy a privileged moment with your media librarian to ask all your questions.

6 x 20-minute sessions:
11am, 11.30am, 12 noon
3.30pm, 4pm, 4.30pm

Registration required.
All ages.
Opening times
the 28/09/2024
Popular fêtes

Other: Fêtes et manifestations