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Presentation of: Concert chant'appart
Lucien Chéenne: Emotional, human and artistic shock. He turned his back on the twist-surf rock of the '50s to create a resolutely folk song, absolutely francophone, somewhere between Audiard's France and Johnny Cash's America.
Ysé: Singer-songwriter, Ysé reveals herself to better sing her modesty. Sometimes sung, sometimes whispered, her authentic words find an Anglo-Saxon echo in her French songs. From acoustic to electric guitar, Ysé sings of the search for the absolute as a path strewn with pitfalls, with all the melancholy of which rock is capable.
Concerts followed by a convivial buffet to bring spectators and artists together.
Opening times
the 21/03/2025
starting from 20:00
Individual tarif reduced starting from 5.00€ (Allocataires du RSA)
Basic price starting from 20.00€
Subscriber rate starting from 18.00€ (adhérents Chants-Sons)
Individual tarif reduced starting from 10.00€ (étudiants, apprentis, demandeurs d'emploi)