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Concert d'orgue - Marche de Noel de Vouvant

Organ concert as part of the Vouvant 2025 Christmas market.

Address : Église Notre-Dame Place de l'Eglise

Contact: Concert d'orgue - Marche de Noel de Vouvant

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Presentation of: Concert d'orgue - Marche de Noel de Vouvant

> Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 November 2025 / times to be announced

15-minute mini-concerts for families

Virgile MONIN, organist in residence at Vouvant, Grand Prix de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts, organ teacher at the Tarbes Conservatoire

Programme to be announced.

Virgile MONIN. After studying organ with Michel Bourcier at the Conservatoire de Nantes, Virgile Monin won first prize at the Concours International d'Orgue du Luxembourg and the Grand Prix de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts.
His varied repertoire tends to favour the symphonic organ, for which he makes numerous transcriptions of orchestral works of which he is a specialist. He has collaborated on a number of original projects, including Jean Guillou's Symphonie initiatique pour deux organistes with Yves Castagnet at Notre-Dame de Paris, Bach's Goldberg Variations with dancer Maxime Collodel, and a Halloween concert for Toulouse les Orgues in 2024. For the Fy/Solstice label, he recorded the works of Henri Mulet at the Dalbade in Toulouse.
Virgile Monin has been in residence in Vouvant since the instrument was installed in 2021. In 2023, he recorded a CD Après un rêve, and in 2025 he recorded various videos for the Youtube channel.
Virgile Monin lives in Toulouse and teaches organ at the Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées conservatoire.
Opening times
from 29/11/2025 to 30/11/2025

Other: Fêtes et manifestations