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Ferdinant + Buridane

Chant'Appart at the Amicale Laïque de Chaillé-sous-les-Ormeaux

Address : Salle polyvalente Rue du Petit Moineau

Contact: Ferdinant + Buridane

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Presentation of: Ferdinant + Buridane

Timothée and Corentin are Ferdinant.
With a "t", as if to get rid of the constraints of language. One writes to speak, the other composes to escape. Together, they sing about pain with words. It's as if French rock stars such as Noir Désir, Dutronc and Louise Attaque had met Feu! Chatterton and co. And back to childhood, to the politics of life and its rumblings. Ferdinant is there, sincere.

Buridane writes for life's survivors, gothic souls and Virgin Suicides. His music sounds like a tribal dance designed to chase away evil spirits. Voodoo songs, songs that wash away. Songs made to tell you that it's worth letting yourself be made, unmade and remade by life. Made to let the light shine through, made for the crazies and the optimists who don't know they're there.

The shows are open to all, and generally consist of double bill followed by a convivial buffet to bring together the audience and the artists. Tickets must be booked by telephone or email with the host (see programme) and should be booked well in advance, given the small capacity of the venues.

Private homes:
Admission is €20 for adults, €18 for Chants-sons members, €10 for students and jobseekers, €5 for RSA recipients, and free for children under 12.
The booking cheque made out to the CHANTS-SONS association must be sent to the host for the booking to be effective.
Hosting by associations :
The entrance fee is set by the association hosting the Chant'Appart, and may not exceed that set by Chants-Sons. The booking cheque should be made out to the organisation hosting the Chant'Appart.
Opening times
the 22/03/2025 starting from 20:30
crédit photo : Thomas Dilis
crédit photo : Fabienne Chemin

Other: Fêtes et manifestations