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LA BALISE - Crin Blanc

Crin-Blanc... A film that marked our childhood. Who doesn't have a deep-rooted memory of this fiery white horse galloping through the marshes of the Camargue before the amazed eyes of Folco, the young fisherman?

Address : 2 Rue du Guitton
Salle La Balise

Presentation of: LA BALISE - Crin Blanc

Resolutely contemporary, Crin-Blanc is a perfect illustration of man's relationship with nature. In a rapidly changing world, this work shows how urgent it is to keep our ecosystems in balance and reconsider our place in the living world.
Deliberately committed, the aim of this film concert, like a cry, is to awaken people's consciences, especially the youngest.
To accompany the dramaturgy of the film, Camille Saglio on vocals, guitar and sampler and Matthieu Dufrene on accordion and percussion play live original compositions created specifically for this project. Punctuated by video mapping, the show immerses the audience in the wilderness of the Camargue marshes.

Running time: 40 min.
Opening times
the 26/03/2025 starting from 10:30

Other: Fêtes et manifestations

the 24/03/2025
©VSA-OTVendéeMaraispoitevin (95)



On the Place du Champ de Foire, next to the Intermarché store, a village market featuring local producers (fruit and vegetables, c