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Les Violons Dansants - Chantonnay

Les Violons Dansants concert at Espace Sully in Chantonnay

Address : Espace Sully 8 Rue Travot

Contact: Les Violons Dansants - Chantonnay

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Presentation of: Les Violons Dansants - Chantonnay

A meeting between the violin classes of Chantonnay, Les Herbiers, Fontenay-le-Comte and Luçon.
Les Violons Dansants is an original teaching approach developed by Tina. Strinning.
The aim is to use dance as a didactic, technical and musical tool for learning the instrument. The aim is to perform simple dance steps while playing the violin, to grasp the surrounding space and to structure the music within it.

FREE - Open to all
Information: 02 51 46 82 61
Opening times
the 28/03/2025 starting from 20:30

Other: Fêtes et manifestations

from 15/03/2025 to 23/03/2025

Echanges de regards


Many artists will be on hand to talk to you:

Alary Claire
Chauvin Pascale
De Korsak Em
Lecompte Rose