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Semaine des initiatives : Le petit marche de l'AMAP

The aim of this annual event is to promote and highlight local players who are working on a daily basis to promote the ecological transition. A voi et à manger", workshops to discover local agriculture and food.

Address : Rue du Huit Mai

Presentation of: Semaine des initiatives : Le petit marche de l'AMAP

The small AMAP market is the perfect opportunity to meet local producers and find out more about the workings of the association (association pour le maintien de l'agriculture paysanne) "Le bonheur est dans la panier" (Happiness is in the basket). Tasting and sale of organic and local produce: vegetables, bread, herbal teas, etc...
Open to all. PRM access. No reservation required.
Opening times
the 08/04/2025 from 18:00 to 20:00

Other: Fêtes et manifestations