Soiree Repas Anime
Evening organised by the Comité des Fêtes.
Price €18 and €10 for children.
Evening organised by the Comité des Fêtes.
Price €18 and €10 for children.
It's hard to define what Marty is artistically, so meandering is his creative path.
Blaubird: For many years, Laure Slabiak sang mainly baroque repertoire and contemporary opera.
Adult meal 23 euros: aperitif, paella, cheese platter, magniardises and coffee.
The Ptichou association of childminders is organising a "vid'ta chambre" for babies, children and teenagers.
It's a warm, modal music born of the meeting of two cultures, dedicated to sharing.
Equipment will be provided: guitars, piano, drums, etc., microphones, amplifiers, sound system.