23rd Vide Grenier organised by the Amicale Laïque du Poiré-Sur-Vie.
Maison et Quartier de La Martelle
23rd Vide Grenier organised by the Amicale Laïque du Poiré-Sur-Vie.
Maison et Quartier de La Martelle
Through Floriane's eyes, an exhibition of colourful paintings and sculptures in the Art Brut and Naïve style, where Floriane expre
The exhibition, organised by the DRAC and the Rectorat de l'académie de Nantes, is on show from 20 March to 20 May at 25 schools i
They discover a picture. And that image attracts a song, a nursery rhyme that the children sing along to.
With Sophie Dugast from L'Atelier Encrage.
Sophie offers lively and dynamic writing workshops. On your pens!