L'Amour Vache, comedie en 2 actes de Viviane Tardivel et d'Alexis Bondis
"Desperate to see her farmer son become an old man and lose the family inheritance, Marie-Thérèse signs Jean-François up for Cupid
"Desperate to see her farmer son become an old man and lose the family inheritance, Marie-Thérèse signs Jean-François up for Cupid
Evening organised by the Comité des Fêtes.
Price €18 and €10 for children.
It's hard to define what Marty is artistically, so meandering is his creative path.
It's a warm, modal music born of the meeting of two cultures, dedicated to sharing.
After 3 successful tours since 2022 with over 50,000 spectators, Les Comédies Musicales are back!