from 18/04/2025 to 20/04/2025 Gala Le Printemps des Ecuyers - le Cadre noir et l'Ecole Portugaise d'Art Equestre SAUMUR
the 20/04/2025 Chasse aux oeufs - Chantonnay CHANTONNAY hunt 3, 2, 1 ... READY? GET YOUR BASKETS READY!
the 20/04/2025 Les Voiles d'avant TALMONT-SAINT-HILAIRE The festival takes place on 20 April from 10am to 6pm.
the 20/04/2025 Chasse aux Oeufs Chocomiels POIROUX The legend of the chocomile chest" treasure hunt Opening of the hives
the 20/04/2025 VIDE-GRENIERS DE PAQUES A BAUGE BAUGE-EN-ANJOU On Sunday, April 16th, yard sale in Baugé from 6am till 6pm in the main street of Baugé - Fair of Easter, only for private individ