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Plateau et vallons de l'Ouette

This loop will enable you to discover the rich heritage of the Petite Cité de Caractère of Parné-sur-Roc and its immediate surroundings.

Address :

Presentation of: Plateau et vallons de l'Ouette

Location : Parné-sur-Roc, 12km south of Laval on the D21.

Starting point: Parking du Prieuré

Heritage :
Parné- sur- Roc, "Petite Cité de Caractère" Parné- sur- Roc is a typical village that has been awarded the "Petite Cité de Caractère" label for its rich heritage. Built on a rugged hillside, the village is well worth a visit, with its narrow streets (roquets), its medieval stone bridge spanning the Ouette, its picturesque houses and its industrial heritage: medieval houses, the timber-framed house of the Croix Blanche, weavers' houses, brick houses, workers' houses and its impressive lime kilns, etc.
As soon as spring arrives, the whole village is in bloom, and a visit becomes an enchantment.
Type of routes/Nature of route
Mountain bike circuit##Promenade et Randonnée (PR) footpath
Departure town
Arrival town
4 Km
Means of transport
Walking, difficulty level: Easy, duration: 1h45min
Equestrian, difficulty level: Easy, duration: 1h
MTB, difficulty level: Easy, duration: 45min
en montée 106,58m
Colour of tag
Type of road surfacing
70% on dirt road
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme
Laval Tourisme

Other: Fêtes et manifestations