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Sentier de randonnee pedestre "Sentier du pont"

This long circuit will take you along the Beauvau, Marcé and La Chapelle Saint-Laud roads, passing through the Chambiers forest.

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Presentation of: Sentier de randonnee pedestre "Sentier du pont"

A family trail with a flat profile, mainly on forest paths. Suitable for
for occasional walkers.

Starts from Place de la Mairie in Beauvau, opposite the church.

Until 1616, the seigneury of Beauvau was the birthplace of an illustrious family of French chivalry, the Beauvau family. It split into two main branches: the Beauvau du Rivau and the Beauvau-Craon, who made their careers under the Kings of France and also under the Dukes of Lorraine.

The church of Saint Martin de Vertou, originally a modest chapel surrounded by forests, grew with the village. In the past, the Matheflon family, who owned the land, forbade any habitation. From the 9th to the 10th century, this ban was lifted: the chapel was enlarged and a "village-street" was built: the Romanesque church, a simple "barn-church", located at the end of the street coming from Marcé, was thus in place for ever. We can guess that this modest church saw Pierre de Beauvau kneel in its choir, in the company of King René of Anjou.

A few kilometres from the start of the route, accessible from a path that climbs to the left 800 m from the church on the route de Marcé, you will discover the oldest monument in the commune of Beauvau: the Dolmen des Mollières, which still stood in the centre of a hamlet in the 19th century. Originally completely enclosed, it was made accessible in 1856. The megalith is still well preserved. Its distinctive feature is that it is surrounded by a mass of large stones, including a slab of falun.

- Public toilets at Beauvau town hall.

- Picnic tables at the end of the village, in the direction of Durtal.

- Restaurant "Aux Rendez-Vous des Chasseurs" in Beauvau.

Please note: The circuit is regularly flooded in winter and can only be walked from May to September. Before setting off, please contact the Jarzé-Villages town hall (02 41 95 40 03).
Type of routes/Nature of route
Promenade et Randonnée (PR) footpath
Departure town
Arrival town
21 Km
Means of transport
Walking, difficulty level: Average, duration: 5h30min
Colour of tag
Type of road surfacing
77% on dirt road
23% on right-of-way
Documents to be downloaded
Laura Bellanger

Other: A pied

La Roche aux loups


The calm and serenity of the simple, authentic countryside, almost unchanged for generations.