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Sellerie-Bourrellerie, La P'tite selliere

Manufacture and repair of leather goods for horses and riders. Small leather goods.

Address : 1 Impasse des Terrières

Contact: Sellerie-Bourrellerie, La P'tite selliere

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Presentation of: Sellerie-Bourrellerie, La P'tite selliere

A saddler and harness-maker trained at the Haras de la Vendée, I repair, manufacture and maintain all types of leather goods related to the equestrian world.

At the same time, I'm developing a small range of leather goods: bracelets, belts, pouches and many more to come.
Opening times
Open all year round
Business sector
Handcraft art
Type of product
handling leather goods
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Spoken language

Other: Découvertes de savoir-faire