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Calvaire de Pontchateau

Address : Le Calvaire

Contact: Calvaire de Pontchateau

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Presentation of: Calvaire de Pontchateau

Erected in 1710, partially destroyed on the order of Louis the 14th, then restored in 1821, the Calvary of Pontchâteau is a remarquable religious and cultural site.

This Stations of the Cross is composed of life-size sculptures, representing the different scenes of Jesus'Passion. These sculped groups are settled in a landscape garden, orned with reduced-size buildings, of various architectural styles.

Both the visitor and the pilgrim finish the circuit climbing up to the Golgotha, an artificial mount wich offers a nice view over the surrouding Brière.

At the same adress, dicover the museum of the Calvary, dedicated to the site and to the different catholic missions around the world. Every year, a temporal exhibition is shown.

Despite of the visitors, the Calvary kept its religious function, and is still being today an important place of pilgrimage.
Site theme
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Picnic area
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Pets allowed
Office de Tourisme entre Brière et Canal
Office de Tourisme entre Brière et Canal
Office de Tourisme entre Brière et Canal
Office de Tourisme entre Brière et Canal
Office de Tourisme entre Brière et Canal
Office de Tourisme entre Brière et Canal

Other: Patrimoine religieux

Abbaye Royale


The abbey was founded in 682 AD on a limestone islet. Following the Concordat of 1516, it became a royal abbey.

Chapelle Saint-Marc de Kervalet


The chapel of St Marc was constructed at the very heart of the salt workers (paludier’s) village of Kervalet back in the XVth cent