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Address :
44480 DONGES

Contact: REVIN

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Presentation of: REVIN

It's on a misty autumn morning that this part of the marsh reveals its most mysterious facets.
While the strange silhouettes of trees and cows on the edge of the canals appear shrouded in a pale veil, the sun, playing behind the clouds, shines intermittently and casts its iridescent reflections in the smooth mirror of the marsh.
In the distance, the grassy tracks of the abandoned railway disappear into a blur, and the dense ferns that surround them take on shimmering colours.
They give a festive air to this walk, which takes you from the uninhabited countryside to the small villages of a bygone era.
The landscape changes with the seasons, and the relaxing calm that reigns here contributes to the exceptional character of the Donges marshes, which are on a par with the Grande Brière, even if they are less well-known.
At the water's edge, let yourself be surprised by the wading birds and other shorebirds that will guide you towards the wet meadows where the flocks peacefully graze when the fine weather returns.
Type of routes/Nature of route
Promenade et Randonnée (PR) footpath
Departure town
Arrival town
9 Km
Means of transport
Walking, difficulty level: Easy, duration: 2h
MTB, difficulty level: Easy, duration: 1h
Colour of tag
Access map, location
Public transport