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Exhibition Fanny Vanoye A L'ILE D'YEU At 14 rue de l'Abbesse - Port-Joinville Spring and Summer (dates to be confirmed) Every day in the presence of the artist: 11am - 1pm and by appointment Outside this period Please contact Fanny Vanoye to arrange a meeting.

Address : 14 Rue de l'Abbesse
85350 L'ILE-D'YEU

Contact: Fanny VANOYE

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Presentation of: Fanny VANOYE

Fanny Vanoye Painter - born in July 1966 Lives and works between Paris (Villejuif) and the Ile d'Yeu.

She exhibits regularly on the Ile d'Yeu in spring and summer and in Paris at the Galerie de l'Europe at 55 rue de Seine 75006. She also welcomes visitors by appointment to her studio in Villejuif.
Museum theme
Art gallery
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Pets allowed

Other: Musées et centres d'interprétation



The village of Refuge de Grasla recreates the daily life of the local population who took refuge in the forest during the Vendée W

Musee Andre Deluol


André Deluol, who was born in Valence in the Drôme in 1909 and died in St Michel en L'Herm in 2003, was a distinguished sculptor w