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Jardin du Bois Fleuri

Experience this charming garden nestled in the heart of a small village of the Loire Valley.

Address : 3646 ROUTE DE LA NOIRIE
Le Bois Fleuri

Contact: Jardin du Bois Fleuri

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Presentation of: Jardin du Bois Fleuri

Opening times
from 01/07/2025 to 28/09/2025
Sunday from 14:30 to 18:30
Saturday from 14:30 to 18:30
Opening days: sur Rendez-Vous
from 06/06/2025 to 08/06/2025
Sunday from 14:30 to 18:30
Friday from 14:30 to 18:30
Saturday from 14:30 to 18:30
Opening days: Rendez-vous aux Jardins de 14h30 à 18h30
from 20/09/2025 to 21/09/2025
Sunday from 14:30 to 18:30
Saturday from 14:30 to 18:30
Opening days: Journées du Patrimoine de 14h30 à 18h30
the 07/09/2025
Sunday from 14:30 to 18:03
Saturday from 14:30 to 18:30
Opening days: Les Peintres en Liberté dans le Jardin de 14h à 17h
Display all dates
Theme of the park and garden
Botanical garden
Pleasure garden
Architectural style of the park and garden
English style garden
Contemporary garden
Full adult price starting from 4.00€ (gratuit en dessous de 12 ans réduit pour groupe)
Payment methods
Cheques and postal orders
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours on request (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours (individuelles): Yes
Average duration of visit (individuelles) : @duration of visit
Free tours (groupes): Yes
Guided tours on request (groupes): Yes
Guided tours (groupes): Yes
Average duration of visit (groupes) : @duration of visit
Visit languages
Visit: French
Audio guide: French
Billboards: French
Access map, location
SNCF train station: 5 Km
Motorway: 11 Km
Spoken language
Further information
Groups accepted from 10 to 20 persons
Pets not allowed (Enfants sous la responsabilité des parents)

Other: Parcs et jardins