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Presentation of: Jardin du Prieure Saint Pierre
This garden was redesigned around 1750 by the canons of Saint Augustin. Since then, it has retained its original structure, with successive terraces and rows of yew and Taxus Baccata trees, pruned to form topiaries (some of which must be over 300 years old).
In the centre of the terraces, an orchard of local and ancient apple and pear trees has been reconstituted in the former affiage, an old Vendéen dialect term meaning "grafting place" or "orchard".
To the south, there is an opening onto meadows, ponds and the countryside. To the east, a wood leads down to the river (the Grand Lay). It's an invitation to take a bucolic stroll.
A footpath, open to the public all year round (except bicycles and motorised vehicles), passes between the "affiage" and the meadow, then leads down wooden steps to the washhouse, skirting the riparian vegetation of the Grand Lay and ending near the chapel.
Garden open during the "Rendez-vous aux jardins" in June, the "Journées du Patrimoine" in September and all year round by appointment.
Prices :
5€ / person,
3€ / person for groups > 10 and young people aged 12 to 18.
Free for children under 12.
Opening times
Open all year round
Theme of the park and garden
Type of park and garden
Collection of plants
Architectural style of the park and garden
A la française
Rectory / monastic
Category of park and garden
Protected parks and gardens under the Historic Monuments programme
Group price starting from 3.00€ (A partir de 10 personnes.)
Full adult price starting from 5.00€
Children's price starting from 3.00€ (Gratuit enfants < 10 ans)
Payment methods
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours on request (individuelles): Yes
Guided tours (individuelles): Yes
Average duration of visit (individuelles) : @duration of visit