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Jardin insolite du centre hospitalier Georges Mazurelle

Since 1975, the Hospital Centre has been developing therapeutic sensory gardens covering an area of over 40 hectares.

Address : Entrée du CHS Route d'Aubigny
85000 La Roche-sur-Yon

Presentation of: Jardin insolite du centre hospitalier Georges Mazurelle

This original initiative is attributed to the green spaces department in conjunction with the medical and administrative teams. You have to look beyond the world of psychiatry to discover a park full of trees, where the plants harmoniously complement the buildings, with particular attention paid to the needs of patients.

The differentiated management approach, with zero use of plant protection products, was strengthened in 2010 by the signing of an agreement with the LPO, which qualifies the hospital as a biodiversity conservation area known as an "LPO refuge".

It can only be visited during certain special events: Heritage Days, etc.
Opening times
Open all year round
Theme of the park and garden
Guided tours (groupes): Yes
Visit languages
Visit: French
Billboards: French
Spoken language
Games area
Further information
Groups accepted from 10 to 30 persons
Pets allowed (animaux tenus en laisse)
Visible point of interest without tour
© A.Lamoureux
© A.Lamoureux
© A.Lamoureux

Other: Fêtes et manifestations