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L'etang de Saint-Martin

In the heart of a picturesque little village, a veritable treasure trove of greenery: the étang de Saint-Martin...

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Contact: L'etang de Saint-Martin

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Presentation of: L'etang de Saint-Martin

The 2.4-hectare communal lake at Saint-Martin-Lars-en-Sainte-Hermine, created in 1973, borders a departmental property. Nestling in a small valley, it is the jewel in the crown of the village. A path links the village to its pond, while wooden footbridges span the Theu stream. On the west side, openings in the trees reveal the Château des Roches, and on the east side, the church, a listed monument that required 10 years of restoration work, can be seen.

Dragonfly lovers will be able to spot the surprising colour of the blue orthétrum or the agrion jouvencelle, which can be seen in many of the department's waterholes. The nightingale accompanies walkers with its bouncing, flutey song, and the black-capped warbler zinzinules as it pleases, sometimes imitating one of its compatriots. Around this small lake, the black warbler finds the reeds, reedbeds and irises it needs to build its very light nest of dry grasses.

Around a bend in the path, a spring feeds a small old wash-house built of fine dressed stone.

Every year, in a festive atmosphere, the commune of Saint-Martin and volunteers from the village organise a fishing festival: a country atmosphere guaranteed!

Fauna & flora worth spotting: bluish spiderwort, sledgehammer, erect reedbed, black-capped warbler, young spoonbill
Lakes, ponds, water bodies, marshland
Further information
Pets allowed (Chiens tenus en laisse)
Patrick TERCUL
Patrick TRECUL
Patrick TRECUL

Other: Autour de la nature