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Point de vue sur la Vallee de l'Evre a La Boissiere-sur-Evre

Viewpoint near the River Evre, a tributary of the Loire located just a few kilometres away and in the Angers-Nantes-Cholet triangle, near the potter's village of Fuilet.

Address : Place de la Mairie

Contact: Point de vue sur la Vallee de l'Evre a La Boissiere-sur-Evre

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Presentation of: Point de vue sur la Vallee de l'Evre a La Boissiere-sur-Evre

While hiking on the boxwood road "From boxwood to Trézenne", you will be charmed by this exceptional view of the maugeois grove. Course located close by the Evre and potters town of Le Fuilet.
Remarkable viewpoint / panorama / peak
© Sylvain LE BOURDONNEC, Ma Vie en Loire Atlantique
© Ôsez Mauges
© Ôsez Mauges

Other: Autour de la nature