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Le cimetiere merovingien

From the old cemetery, there remains a pretty shaded square and a granite Calvary. The sarcophagi visible from the old Merovingian cemetery date from the 6th to the 9th centuries.

Address : Rue de la Tannerie
44640 VUE

Presentation of: Le cimetiere merovingien

Saint Philibert, a monk in the 7th century, founded several monasteries including that of Noirmoutier where he died on August 20, 684. The monks placed his body in a sarcophagus which they faithfully protected. The Vikings landed in the land of Rais at the beginning of the 9th century. They looted and destroyed everything in their path. The monks decided to leave the island for the abbey church of the city of Déas (today Saint-Philbert-de-Grand-Lieu). The sarcophagus of Saint Philibert was placed there in 836 and is still there.

Already Christianized by Saint Martin de Vertou in the 6th century. Vue was again evangelized by the monks of Saint-Philibert between 836 and 847. A parish church dedicated to Saint Philibert was built. Burned then rebuilt, it was set on fire again during the Wars of the Vendée. Only a section of the wall remains of this church.

Before Christianization, a cemetery - a sacred space - was built in the town of Vue. In the 1980s, a discerning archaeologist realized the presence of Merovingian sarcophagi of shell limestone stone. They had served as a reconstruction of the Saint-Philibert church.
Site theme
Civil cemetary
Military and memorial cemetary
Architectural style of the site
Free tours (individuelles): Yes
Free tours (groupes): Yes
Mélanie Chaigneau
Mélanie Chaigneau

Other: Autres monuments et patrimoines

Moulin Cyprien


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