Le cimetiere militaire britannique
Among those 399 tombs in the English Cemetery, 200 British soldiers, as well as Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Afri
Among those 399 tombs in the English Cemetery, 200 British soldiers, as well as Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Afri
A Middle-Age fortress, burnt during the Religious Wars in 1589, the chateau was rebuilt during the 1680's.
Once known as "the house at the end of the sea", this typically Vendée-style house, with its roof almost touching the road, dates
Acquired by the town in 1997, the fully restored house became a cultural facility dedicated to writing and literature, managed by
In the Manor, there is a chapel whose walls bear frescoes of martyrs. There is also an artist workshop.
On 27 March 1944, the American B 17 bomber "Big Red", on fire, flew over Aizenay. It crashed on the edge of the forest.