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Le calvaire de la Cossonnerie

At the time of its splendor, it was rightly said that the Calvary of La Cossonnerie was the most beautiful around.

Address : La Cossonnerie

Presentation of: Le calvaire de la Cossonnerie

Erected here and there in villages and in the borough, more than a hundred years old for the most part, the ordeals of the parish have suffered the erosion of time ... and of faith. Sometimes partially restored, mainly by replacing crosses, a few of them nevertheless looked great.
Site theme
Parish cross and enclosure
Architectural style of the site
19th century

Other: Patrimoine religieux

Abbaye Royale


The abbey was founded in 682 AD on a limestone islet. Following the Concordat of 1516, it became a royal abbey.

Eglise Saint-Michel


The old church was demolished in 1897 and work began on the new building that same year.

Chapelle Saint-Marc de Kervalet


The chapel of St Marc was constructed at the very heart of the salt workers (paludier’s) village of Kervalet back in the XVth cent