Eglise Saint-Martin
Saint Martin was founded in the 1050s by Guy Ist of Laval, in the Saint-Martin faubourg. It is a romanesque church.
Saint Martin was founded in the 1050s by Guy Ist of Laval, in the Saint-Martin faubourg. It is a romanesque church.
Benedictine abbey built in the seventh century, it suffered numerous assaults over the centuries.
The Petit Luc chapel was built in 1866 on the site of the choir of the former Notre Dame du Petit Luc church, destroyed on 28 Febr
This Gothic-like church was extended from 1832, under King Louis-Philippe: it became 3 times bigger.
Once you have gone through the mediaeval doorway of Solesmes Abbey, you will see the famous saints of Solesmes and their exception
Installed in the south of the city since 1859, the 45 Cistercian-Trappistine nuns of La Coudre welcome in their abbey more and mor