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Site des etangs de Bourgneuf

For a picnic, for a hike, to amuse the children or to go fishing, the Bourgneuf ponds site is accessible all year round.

Address : Route de Nantes

Contact: Site des etangs de Bourgneuf

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Presentation of: Site des etangs de Bourgneuf

On site to relax; several picnic tables, slides and outdoor games accessible to children from 2 to 12 years old, two bowling alleys, a one-hour fitness trail with different equipment.

You can also go around the first two ponds while all year round or fishing (with the fishing license).

To facilitate access, a large free car park is at your disposal and public toilets.
Type of facilities
Leisure centre
Boules court
Fishing lake
Theme park
Picnic area
Car park
Further information
Pets allowed
Le photographe du dimanche
Le photographe du dimanche
Le photographe du dimanche
Le photographe du dimanche
Le photographe du dimanche
Le photographe du dimanche
Le photographe du dimanche
Le photographe du dimanche
Mairie de Villeneuve-en-Retz

Other: Zoos et sites de loisirs pour enfants



An unusual ride on a draisine, with family or friends, on a former railway line to discover the charm of the green coastline and t